I've lately learned that my personality expresses a non-caring attitude. Sometimes I don't understand how people can come up with that and times I understand. Some say I have developed a lot of fake relationships or in another words a lot of non deep relationships. I have to disagree. Though I have to agree.
I have lost site of whats important time to time because my focus gets distracted in so many directions. My gaze gets pulled on myself a lot. I hate that about myself. I truly just despise it. I wish at times I could be less conceited in my life. To have my eyes open wider around me, instead of having my eye lides closed. To have a gaze on the world and the people around me. I'm I think most of time I present my thoughts or questions to or about people like an ice berg. I only unleash the tip while there is so much underneath the water. Don't ask me why because at times I have no idea why.
Getting to know an entirely different culture and little cultures mixed in makes you look at yourself. Look at yourself and see what's missing or what's in check. I often forget that people are your best mirrors in life. They show you your outside as well as your inside. It's important to take advantage of that. To really pull at that. Because chances are they tend to know you better than you know yourself. We think that we are so...connected with ourselves but that is so false.
The best mirror I have had is God. The more I get to know Him, the more he starts to point out all these things that I thought were so right about myself. Although, unexpectedly he shows you great things about yourself that you never saw....your potential. What your worth is...Your identity...
I'm not sure how honest I should be with blogs. At times I could tell my life story and other times I don't know if it is appropriate. I'm becoming more private and it seems to be more of a daily thing. I'm not saying anything tell someone asks. Weird but I'm not sure where it is coming from. I'm growing up? I'm tired of people seeing my burdens? I don't know and at times I don't care. I hope I figure out the happy medium soon.
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