Tuesday, October 11, 2011

canoes, caves, and the like

Got this picture offline but here is a visual taste of my day.
Saturday was a day that I hope I never forget for the rest of my days on Earth. I can say that saw and did things, I thought I would never do in my life. Or even on this trip alone. Saturday we journeyed to a city called Ribadesella. Here we canoed down this river for about 3-4hrs. My partner was excellent. We are both competitive so that certainly keep us moving through the river. The only thing that did suck that day was that I didn't bring my camera due to the fact that I was in a canoe most of the trip. It was so fantastic to experience. Surprisingly I didn't come out of it too sore. Which is such a plus.

After we got to our destination, we quickly showered and changed. Walked for about 5 to 10 minutes. Entered a cave that will never forget for the life of me. The cave is called Tito Bustillo Cueva. I'm pretty sure I learned about this cave in Art History 101. Saying that, this experience meant so much to me. The caves were founded in 1968. Inside the cave are late Paleolithic cave paintings. The cave is covered with paintings although we only saw a few paintings. 
It wasn't this well lite but still amazing
I saw something that is older than you and you and you and the oldest person you know. Its older than anything you will ever know. I sat amazed...or stood amazed.

Now since I am already writing I should write about the past few days post Saturday. Lots have been going on and I could write till my heart laid content. Though this blog isn't my journel, only a reflection for others to read. I can say that God has pushed my heart to the point that the blood is ready to burst through the seams. In my devotionals it has been this: "Don't be anxious about anything.", "Do not fret.", and the last one "...dying, and yet we live on." They are in order by the day I read them. They all hold value in life and in the time of my life. Its amazing how God can communicate to us. I'm trying. 

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