Friday, August 26, 2011

Almost there

I'm two days away from my first part of my journey into Spain, leaving Home. This summer consisted of so much. A lot I could never regret and only a few moments I wish I could shove away. I saw people change before my eyes and especially saw me change before my eyes. There were times where I didn't quite recognize myself and then there were times were the old me. The summer held so many interesting moments for me. I saw the Grand Canyon for the first time. I saw my best friend grown up or at least getting close to being all grown up. I saw my Dad in a new light. I saw good friends tear away from me and others draw close to me. I experienced heart ache numerous times. Life brings unexpected events and no matter how much you can prepare for them, it still isn't enough. For past month I have improved my prayer life by quite a lot. Almost every morning I get up...wake up. Then I go outside to read my devotional with a cup of coffee. After I prayer for an hour. I cannot tell you how much that has improved my train of thought. It all started with this one day where I had constant communication with God. I felt so alive that day. I didn't want to leave the just felt so good to me. I'll be in Spain in a short time. This month has prepared me in such a way where my real communication might only be with God for awhile. Its crazy how I have looked back on the events that have played out...they have lead me to having this communication with God. I needed that so bad. So as I sit here listening to Bon Iver and writing my life away...I can't be more thankful then I am now for this summer, for past years. In strange ways I have seen it prepare me for what is up ahead. The people that have left and the people that continue to stay next to my side will never be forgotten.
Today, I went to beach. Today I saw the human side of her. The growth in her soul. I saw an adult and a child all in one. I saw not who I wanted to be but who I want to influence me and encourage me. Today, I saw this person that I have fought with and I have loved with. Today, I saw someone hurt but grow in her hurt. I saw someone who I am proud of. Moments I wish I could go back to are days like this. I have a few saved up in my head and I think this one made the list. I can't really explain why but it has. Love grows and it was a big part of my summer. I will miss her a lot. I miss a lot of you. My journey is starting and I am getting more and more excited for it happen and to share it all with you.